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Bridging Crypto with Real-life Application through Ethical Fintech Services

A good quality of life for everyone

Burden-free financial planning

When you split pay with KTB, there is no interest and no fees. You can see and control when and how much you need to pay for the things you bought and benefited from.

Ethical solution

Our business model is designed to not profit from users. We will help you pay on time and reward you when you complete repayments for your purchases.

Buy now, pay later, that’s beyond retail sales

With KTB, users can split pay for everyday necessities and even petrol, travel tickets, cars, education, hospital bills, dentists, and real estate.

Explore all the places where KTB is available.

Equal financial opportunity with KTB

We incorporated KTB as our native cryptocurrency to enhance our purpose of providing equal and inclusive
financial opportunities for everyone.

Now you can get rewarded in KTB after every successful repayment on your BNPL purchases. You can also increase your KTB purchase limit using KTB. Explore more about KTB.